Growing up in an orphanage will make you a freak at school when you’re a kid, and looked at strange by adults when you try to have friends and they find out you don’t have parents. Though being aware that things like Demons, Betobeto-san, and Bogarts existed, didn’t help much in the friend-making department either. The solo life wasn’t bad though, at least, it wasn’t for the first decade.
Most sane people would run from the sound of pained screams in a dark alley, but as we just covered, I don’t exactly fall in the “sane” category. Now I’m running for my life with a Reaper that has tried to kill me twice, while trying to unravel secrets that were lost to me with my parents deaths. And as if my life wasn’t disintegrating fast enough around me, the more time I spend working with this aggravating Reaper as we fight for our lives, the more I wonder what it would be like to be wrapped in his arms.