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Themed Dark Fantasy

The amazing reads on this page are all sorted by the theme their story is about.

While all of these books have wonderful plots, some are spicier than others.

So here is my spice chart to give you a reference:

🌶   Some tension and/or closed door (fade to black).

🌶🌶   Moderate tension, 1 or 2 open door scenes that are mildly descriptive.

🌶🌶🌶   Lots of tension, some detailed scenes but not particularly kinky, still more plot than spice.

🌶🌶🌶🌶   Plot and spice are on the same level, and you may wanna peek at the trigger warnings.

You will not find anything higher in spice than that on this list, as plot is mandatory for me.

I do have a soft spot for Horror, ESPECIALLY if it's a Dark Fantasy-Horror.

  This will be next to the books with heavier Horror/Paranormal aspects.

*These are all Authors I have met and befriended through author groups or receiving Advanced Reader Copies(ARC) of their books for review.*

**I will not add Authors without their permission, and I only add Authors I have personally read.**

Brittany's Website Image.jpg

Brittany Marois

Epic Dark Fantasy

With memories gone and secrets everywhere, who do you trust? And what do you do when you trust the wrong person?

With a lush world, dark secrets, and a brewing war, "The Elelmental Kingdoms" series is an adventure filled with heart-wrenching twists and turns that will leave you unsure of who to trust!

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Megan Russ

Native Dark Fantasy 

Most people in Fallon Nevada know of the creatures that hide in the tall grasses. They even pass down stories about them as harmless folklore, but every ten years or so, the folklore becomes less harmless.


Dive into a chilling take on a local legend, and discover a cryptid you didn't know to fear!

Flaming Sword

Frederick Zumalt

D&D Dark Fantasy

An exciting adventure I was permitted an early peek at and am anxious to host!

I will update this as the release gets closer with author's permission!

Image by Julia Solonina

Author to Come

Retelling Dark Fantasy

As I continue to meet Authors and read their book, I'll be adding other Dark Fantasy Authors to this page!

Are you an indie-author that writes dark fantasy focusing on particular creatures? Message me. These slots cannot be bought, but I'm always willing to read a good book.

Foggy Forest

Author To Come

High Dark Fantasy

As I continue to meet Authors and read their book, I'll be adding other Dark Fantasy Authors to this page!

Are you an indie-author that writes dark fantasy focusing on particular creatures? Message me. These slots cannot be bought, but I'm always willing to read a good book.

Bare Trees in Fog

Author To Come

More Themed Dark Fantasy

As I continue to meet Authors and read their book, I'll be adding other Dark Fantasy Authors to this page!

Are you an indie-author that writes dark fantasy focusing on particular creatures? Message me. These slots cannot be bought, but I'm always willing to read a good book.

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